Please don’t abandon me with a as I float further from the land.
Please don’t use cross words to speak to my degeneration:
Eating orange peel,
Putting butter in a toaster,
Demanding to be taken somewhere impossible to see something or someone that does not E.
I’ll give you a smack bottom!
People use cross words as if i’m learning how to connect like a newborn, but faithfully i'm forgetting awareness, forgetting i'm alive.
Earnestly employ the ‘as if’ element of make-believe to connect with my transition of disappearance. I forget you but you don't forget me. There is still hope beyond this plastic sheet.
Auto-connections cannot answer this wormhole riddle. You are processing this wrapped up, slow kill crossword, and everyone links within the fungus map.
Please welcome my abnormal behaviour gently.
Brush the hair from my eyes,
wipe the Victoria sponge from the corner of my mouth, after hours.
Non-select, returning threat, new boundaries are constantly appearing as I tread in Grandma's footsteps.